
En glimrende setning

Glimrende setninger fortjener å trekkes frem; de kan løfte et argument fra ‘interessant å vite’ til ‘interessant å lese’. Her er en setning, i et innlegg om libertarianernes forhold til miljøspørsmål (setning i fet skrift er vinneren, resten er bare der for å gi deg konteksten):

First, I'm a bit surprised to find libertarians on the wrong side of this debate. Global climate change is one of the few instances where lots of environmentalists (not all, by any means) are supporting a property-rights based solution (tradeable emissions permits), despite starting from a position (in the leadup to Kyoto) of almost uniform opposition to anything that didn't rely primarily on direct and detailed regulation. It seems as if the ideological opponents are upset because the government-created nature of the property rights in question will be self-evident, rather than obscured by a century or two of history.

Det må kunne kalles to the point.

miljø gode setninger libertarianisme kyotoavtalen handel